Archive for the ‘bookbinding’ Category

Bon Anniversaire + Giveaway


[disclaimer: if you can’t handle exclamations or free stuff, read no further]

There is much cause for celebration today:

  • First and most importantly, it’s my birthday!!!
  • Second, it’s IS•LY’s 1st birthday!!!
  • Third, it’s voting day!!!

I’ve been incredibly spoiled this last week with travelling, visiting family and friends, shopping with my mom and sisters, more shopping (sans Penelope), makeup, a haircut, delicious food and loads of candy. Many thanks to those that made my visit to Utah wonderful. I got even more spoiled when I came home last night to a new mattress (hooray for memory foam), bike shorts and my very own sewing scissors!

My point, I’ve been spoiled and I want to do a little something to celebrate. So, I’m giving away a few random treasures. . .

1. Miniature Ceramic Owl: I found this a while ago at a garage sale, and think it’s the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen. Owls are SO in right now. Won’t this look just adorable on a bookshelf or coffee table?

2. Baby Legwarmers: the perfect legwarmers for a baby 0-6 months

3. Stickers: two vinyl die-cut stickers perfect for a car window, binder or whatever else your heart desires

4. Handmade book: papercase with flap and made with handmade paper (I made the book, not the paper)

I’m hoping that more than 4 people are going to comment on this post, but if not, good odds eh?!! Friends, family & strangers are ALL welcome to enter! Comment on this post before midnight, Sunday the 9th. One comment per person, any comment will do. Winners will be announced on Monday November 10th. Items will be shipped to Continental US addresses only.

Thanks again to all of my family and friends that have made my birthday so incredibly special. I love you all.

Bookbinding and Watercolor Classes Starting SOON!


Do you want to learn how to bind books, or watercolor? I’ll be teaching a bookbinding class and a watercolor class (starting in 2 weeks), through the Sequioa Adult School in Menlo Park. If you’re interested and would like to sign up, or find out more about the classes offered, go here and/or here.

*Update: The September Session of Bookbinding has been cancelled, so if you’re still interested in learning how to bookbind, sign up for the November Session!

Wedding Bells Are Ringing, Hear What They Say to You


My brother is getting married. YES. My brother is getting married!!! I’m SO very excited for him and for his future woman. A couple of weeks ago, when Penelope was blessed (more on that later) I met Polly (Jake’s Fiancée) in person for the first time. Polly is R-A-D. I’m so excited to get another sister-in-law, especially one that’s as cool as her.

I think they like each other, just a little bit.

In all of the busy-ness that’s been their engagement, Jake and Polly have put me to work. They were awesome enough to let me design their wedding invitations (which I LOVE to do) and just let me run wild with it. They’ve also let me make a wedding sign in book, which I’m super happy about.

I just finished binding the book this morning. I just love the fuzzy brocade wallpaper that I found from FabMo. It’s been such a long time since I’ve made a coptic book (well since my last bookbinding class). As I was sewing up the book, I remembered how much I miss doing it.

For you folks that are in the bay area (or want to visit for 6 weeks), I will be teaching the Coptic bind and others through the Sequoia Adult School this fall. It’s a really fun, low-key, evening community course. For class info, click here or submit a comment below.

I Still Love You: Ostrich Leather and Paisleys


Here are some photos of my most recent accomplishment; a wedding sign in book. My younger sister’s friend, Emily, is getting married soon and her mom wanted one of my books! Fabulous! I had a lot of fun cutting up the leather details, and I’m really happy with how the book turned out. I hope Jerrea and Emily like it, too.

If you (or anyone you know) are interested in a handmade book, or in learning more about bookmaking, contact me by posting below in the comments section!! Thanks!

Another Book


 3/4 bind with leather and wallpaper I found from the fabrix and more distribution. . .




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