Posts Tagged ‘printables’

2021 Mother’s Day Card Printable


Happy Mother’s Day week! I’ve had a heck of a time with this card design. I wanted to do something with the 100 days flowers, so I sifted through my stash to find a few that worked best. 

Initially, I went with my poppy painting, the first painting I made with the series, but poppies represent death. Not sure I wanted to go with that theme for Mother’s Day, so I continued my search. I had a few pieces that I wanted to use, but ultimately I wanted to go with something that really meant something for motherhood.

The clematis just screamed at me. In Victorian times the clematis was associated with cleverness, wisdom and aspiration. All traits that I associate with my own mother. So I wrote a little blurb on the back of the cards explaining that. Fill out the inside with a heart-felt sentiment to the woman you admire most. See link below to download. 

Save the below image to your phone or computer to share with your loved one digitally! 




The printable is formatted to standard letter size (8.5×11 inches). Print using borderless settings, if you have them and cut the paper in half, fold the design in half and send using A2 envelopes. If you don’t have borderless printing, print as usual and trim off excess white on the sides and bottom before folding in half. 

Printable and artwork is free for personal use only. Message me on Instagram if you have questions. 

FREE! Holiday Card Envelope Template


It’s that time of year that I personally look forward to: sending and receiving letters in the mail. This year is even more important because of so many family and friends we haven’t been able to see this year. 

I’ve teamed up with Chatbooks to give you 20% off your order (cards, photobooks, prints, etc!) with code CBMELISSAE20! Use that code at checkout for 20% off. This is the second year I’ve gone with Chatbooks as my holiday card printer. They don’t offer custom design printing, but they do offer timeless designs that make it a no-brainer to use. 

For me personally, Designing the card is something I CAN and could do really well, BUT it takes so much time. I’d much rather spend that time on addressing my envelopes beautifully. If you’d like to learn more about brush lettering and calligraphy in general, check out my online calligraphy classes! I teach online and give you one-on-one coaching to help you as you go along. Check out my Brush Lettering class if you want to try your hand at the style below. 

Regardless of your lettering proficiency, check out the envelope templates below. Simply cut out the template, place overtop the envelope and write in the designated spaces. This template is for A7 envelopes and leaves you enough room for postage on the right-hand side. :) 



Use brightly colored markers like these Marvy Uchida Le Plume II markers to give a spot of color as well! Use code PIN2020 for 25% off and free shipping over $25. 

Hope you all have the happiest holidays and if you want to send me a card, message me on Instagram for my address. I’ll send you a card in return!!

Freebies are for personal use only.

2020 Thank You Card Design


It’s been a minute. This year has been a struggle, but I couldn’t let the time pass without putting up another Thank You card design for you! We’ve been through a lot, but there’s still so much to be grateful for. 

Pandemic 2020 thank you card

Homeschooling was a lot for me to take on in the beginning. But I’m grateful that through the homeschooling experience, I was better able to see my son’s scholastic achievements. I have a son with special needs, he works so hard at school that when he comes home, he’s done. I had no idea how great he was at telling time or addition or sight words until this year. I’m grateful for that opportunity. 


Not being able to attend conferences and workshops this year put me in a sour mood. I thrive off of social interaction. But I’m grateful that I was able to spend more time with my kids and slow down. I’m grateful that we could just enjoy the company of our family without the distraction of events and extracurricular activities. 

Melissa Esplin Calligraphy Watercolor pandemic thank you card freebie

Chris and I wanted to take the kids to Disneyland this year. We wanted to travel internationally, but this year had different plans. I’m grateful that we were able to explore our own wonderful neck of the woods enjoying the beauty and wonder that exists all around us. 

I hope you find something, or better yet, someone to be grateful for. Send them a note! Click the link below to download it. 


Pandemic thank you screensaver stories image

Save this image to your phone and share to stories tagging your favorite people! 

The above download is available free for personal use only. Any alteration or redistribution of this file without written consent is prohibited. Check out the prior years downloads below: 

I hope you have a safe and happy holiday week full of the best food and the best company!

2019 Christmas Tag Printable


Blogging has been a struggle for the last year. But more so in the last few months. All of my images were deleted and we’re in the painful process of migrating to something that is simpler and works better. I don’t know what that means for my work that’s here, but for now, if you can’t see it, I’m sorry it’s unavailable.

Christmas is a time of stress, but also lots of excitement! I love myself some pretty packaging so I made these tags with a scan of one of my 100 florals paintings and then vectorized my calligraphy and put it all together with a tag shape. 

The inspiration was vintage packaging. I don’t know if you can tell or not, but I love those cookie tins from forever ago and wanted to embody that in the design. 

If you’re looking to add some calligraphy to the back of your tags, I highly recommend picking up yourself a package of my brush markers right here from Close to My Heart. :) 

Slap on some ribbon and you’re good to go. 


With that said, I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Here are the tags I made this year for neighbors and friends. Feel free to download and use them! For personal use only. The download page is a google docs folder with a printable and a silhouette print and cut file for your convenience.

Hope this year is a wonderful one for you and yours!

Alternative Valentines: Cutie Tag Freebie


Last year I had this darling idea (I’ll share next week), ordered a bunch of things 3 months in advance and they never came. So, day before Valentine’s I was scrambling to do something a little out-of-the-box that didn’t involve candy. 

I drew the design in Procreate on my iPad Pro and then exported it to Silhouette where I printed and cut all of the tags. I had Penelope put her name on all of hers, but Felix needed a little bit of help. It was easy, and the kids absolutely LOVED it! I didn’t know if fruit would be an acceptable offering for grade school kids, but apparently it was just perfect. PHEW!! 

I didn’t realize I forgot to share the printable here until a few weeks ago, so here you go. And hopefully this year’s 2019 printable won’t take me a year to post. ;)

I kept the shape simple enough that if you don’t have a Silhouette cutter at home, you can easily just cut around the outside with scissors. You don’t have to get a perfect cut in order for them to look darling, either. 


Now if you’d like to use a Silhouette machine to cut them out for you (because why would you not) see the link below to download. 



Did you print it out? What did you think? Tag me @melissapher if you do! I’d love to see how they turned out. 

This freebie and the artwork associated with this freebie are yours to use for personal use only. Any alteration, redistribution or selling this work without my permission is prohibited. Thank you! Affiliate links used help support this website. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or email me directly melissaATmelissaesplinDOTcom

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