Posts Tagged ‘printables’

Last-Minute Mother’s Day Ideas


Here are some (self-proclaimed) great ideas for last-minute Mother’s Day gift ideas

What will you be doing for your mother for Mother’s day? I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to!

Redesigned: Amish Friendship Bread


A neighbor of mine brought by a starter bag for Amish Friendship Bread a few days ago. I got a bag years ago, just after Chris and I got married, but totally forgot to bake it on the tenth day. I was determined this time to stay on top of it. I’m glad I did.

I never bake bread, I’m horrible at it, but since this is more of a pound cake I gave it a go. Mmm! Mmm! Chris and I pounded down one of the loaves in a matter of minutes.

One of the things about Amish Friendship bread, is it comes with a little instruction sheet that you’re supposed to copy and send along with the starter bags. And . . . woops . . . I wrote all over my sheet before copying it off.

My first thought was to white out the writing and then copy the instructions. Then my brain woke up: Why white-out on a sheet in order to save the comic sans instructions? Gross. I’m going to redesign it. 

Now I’m sharing the download with you. I figure maybe some of you out there might be looking for a prettier handout with your bread starters. So here you go. Share with your friends.

If you’d like to get started on your own Amish bread, you can find the instructions for making your own starter here.

Click the download button below for the printable Amish Friendship Bread handout. Enjoy!

This tutorial/freebie is free for personal use and should not be distributed/republished without the express consent of Melissa Esplin. I love getting shout outs from around the web, but please, link with love. Do not copy this post, publish more than 2 photos or outright steal this idea for commercial publications. If you would like to use this tutorial for commercial purposes, please email me. Thanks!


Lettered: Ruche Bridal + Giveaway


I had the pleasure of working on a project for Ruche’s recently published Bridal Guide. In it, I offer a free printable hand-lettered thank you postcard! I’ve made a few of these thank you post cards in the past (12345), and I can’t stress how handy they are to have around!

If I could give any advice to a couple planning a wedding, it would be to get a load of thank you postcards. They’re much less hassle and will make your thank you writing actually happen. Head over to Ruche to see their bridal guide (I’m on page 52). 

I have to say, the calligraphy site is getting close! We have a few loose ends to tie up before the soft launch for beta testers! Seriously, it’s so darn close. Would you like to be a beta tester? I will be choosing 2 lucky followers from my facebook page to be beta testers. Head over to the ISLY facebook page for details on how to enter! Internation entries welcome. Contest ends Thursday April, 5, 2012.

(image c/o Shop Ruche)

Handmade Hourglass Ornaments


Today, I’m over at CraftSnob sharing a quick handmade ornament tutorial made with supplies you likely already have on hand.

I guess you could consider me a major scrooge since I don’t really decorate for the holidays. Or any holiday. In the past couple of years (including this one) we’ve moved just before the holidays so I haven’t really had much time to prep for them. Also, I hate buying Christmas decorations. We’ve always been really low on storage space (until now – we have nearly 1300 sq feet of storage space in our new place!), so if it doesn’t fit in a tupperware box, I’m not going to buy/make it.

My mom was always a huge decorator for the holidays & I have such fond memories helping my mom decorate the Christmas tree. It’s definitely something that I want to get into at some point, but perhaps not now. Definitely not until we’re settled in a place for more than a year. So with that said, if I do get around to putting up decorations for the holidays, they’re usually low impact decorations: they don’t cost a whole lot & they don’t take up a whole lot of space. The Hourglass Ornament tutorial over on CraftSnob falls under both of those categories.

Click here to see the full tutorial at CraftSnob.

Styled. Issue #2 – Party Suite


Jill & I have been on pins & needles waiting for the second issue of Styled. magazine to come out! We were asked to contribute with a printable or DIY for fall merrimaking, so Jill & I collaborated. This is the product of a whole lot of work. Seriously HOURS. We designed all of the party elements from scratch: invitations, RSVP cards, place cards, paper garland, thank yous, menu cards, favors – this suite has everything. We also did all of the styling, photography & production work.

Head over to A Subtle Revelry to see the second issue & download the artwork (we’re DIY 6). A huge thanks to Tai Pan for letting us use their decor at our disposal and Ruby Snap for the cookies in the favor shot. My only regret was that we didn’t make the shoot an actual party. We totally should’ve invited people. Next time, right?

So if you’re planning on a little get-together or a party this fall, please use our printables, k? Also – I recommend you hire Jill to do some design work for you. Her work is the shizzzz.

Jill designed the place cards, menu & banner. I did the invite, RSVP, favor, thank you.

• A L S O •

I’ll be speaking in Provo tomorrow at the Creative Collaborative meeting alongside CJane. It’ll be good times. You should come if you’re around! AND. . . as per your request, I scheduled another calligraphy class (the 24th), I’ve not publicized this yet, but there are still a couple of spots left if you’re interested in attending. Go here to sign up.

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