Posts Tagged ‘video’

Hand Sewing Tips


As promised, here are two video tutorials to hopefully help your hand sewing get better. I don’t hand sew too incredibly often, but when I do, I always use these methods. After attending Gertie’s tailoring class at Sewing Summit, I’m convinced I need to do more hand sewing in my garment construction. Also, I’m convinced that Gretchen should take up bookbinding.

This first method is for keeping your tails in place when you’re hand sewing with one thread. I’m not entirely sure what to call it, so for lack of a better phrase, it’s the stay-put tail. It keeps the thread from slipping out the eye of the needle! I don’t bother to do this if I’m doubling up the thread.

This second technique is about adding thread if you run out. I like it because it’s low profile (doesn’t create giant bumps or lumps), incredibly fast and sturdy. It also allows me to sew with smaller lengths of thread to avoid tangles. Do you hear Felix’s cooing?

Hope these video tutorials are helpful! I hope to make more video tutorials in the future. Is there anything you’d like to see specifically? Feel free to leave it in the comments or email me.

It’s just a one-time thing. BLERG.


The first night on Christmas vacation, sister-in-law, Brooke had Penelope dialed in. The whole week we were there they were two peas in a pod. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to have the camera rolling for Penelope’s laugh attack.

Contagious, isn’t it? My cheeks hurt terribly from smiling and laughing while editing the video. Maybe I should just play this thing every time Penelope gets on my nerves? Also, we can’t seem to replicate this level of laughter even though we try and try. Brooke, can you teach us your secrets?!?


I just wanted to announce that Penelope is now 9 months old. Here are her milestones, Penelope can:

  • Pull herself to stand
  • Bounce really high in her bouncy swing
  • Say ma ma and da da and boo and ga
  • gurgle
  • blow raspberries
  • occasionally wave
  • maintain a completely straight face while complete strangers try to make her smile [and go to great efforts to do so]
  • eat all solid food in sight pretty much without a bib
  • call family members from my cell phone
  • cry and throw a whirlwind of a temper tantrum [wonder where she gets that from?]


Penelope’s doctor’s visit went really well on Friday. She’s growing spectacularly. Here are her stats:

  • Height: 85th percentile [up from 73% ]
  • Weight: 83rd percentile [down from 90% ]
  • Head: 99th percentile [up from 95%]

While we’ve had a rough couple of weeks [it wasn’t all bad], she still is my favorite. Chris’s favorite, too. I love you Nells Bells.

Conquering a Fear of Heights


For some reason, I didn’t really feel that scared about jumping out of a plane. Okay, I was a little scared, scared of freezing my buns off because the temperature was probably 30 degrees at 10,000 feet. Thankfully, my Mother-in-law shared her gloves and wind-resistant jacket with me. And her shoes. I wasn’t about to jump out of the plane in slip-ons [the only shoes I brought to AZ].

This video is a little hard for me to watch. It’s somehow incredibly embarassing to hear myself saying “OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!” a million times. My favorite part is when my tandem diver says “oh GROSS” in reaction of Chris and I swapping spit, then immediately follows it by a hang-loose sign and “SWEET!!”. What a weirdo. Also, for your listening pleasure we cropped and re-edited the video to new music. Ratatat seems more fitting for skydiving than raver music.

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