Archive for the ‘diy’ Category

Tutorial: Textured Polymer Clay Earrings


If you ever go to a conference and stay with roommates, you have to bring roommate gifts. By “have to” I mean you really don’t, but you feel like a dork being the only one without a gift to give when settling in. When I say you, I mean me. Because it’s happened to me a few times in the past. I vow to never let that happen again.


Coming up with just the right roommate gift was really hard for me. It didn’t happen until late the night before the conference. I rediscovered this unicorn print by Heather Ross I scored from Sunni at a fabric swap and the light sparked immediately. Little gauze bags with treats, notions and earrings.


Sewing the gauze bags was a snap. Fold over the top with the string inside. Sew. Sew right sides together for sides and bottom of the bag, sewing just shy of the top of the bag (leaving room for the string). Flip right side out. Iron. istillloveyou-polymer-clay-earrings-texture-tutorial-1

The little earrings were a happy discovery. I had stamps laying out from a prior craft with Penelope’s friends. Intrigued by the textures of the stamps I made these. Quick. Easy. Unique. Let me show you how to make them. (more…)

Photography for Sewers at Sewing Summit


I had a fabulous time at Sewing Summit this year.


Can we all just geek out together right now? I met Heather Bailey (like the Heather Bailey)! She’s just as beautiful, inspirational and genuine as she is creative. I love her even more after spending time with her.

Of all of the keynote speakers of all of the conferences I’ve been to, she’s the first to actually participate in the conference. It shows how invested she is in the sewing community. I love that. I had a great time gleaning a few tips on sewing with leather, finding that balance lives where the unicorns live and learning to adopt centimeters in pattern drafting (and sewing).

My presentation went well. I had slides with notes, but of course I misplaced my notes right before the class so there were a few key tips that I forgot to touch on (always happens).

Here’s a re-cap of the slide portion of my 2-hour presentation at Sewing Summit. Sewing-summit-photography-01 I may be many things, but there’s one hat I don’t wear. I’m not a professional photographer. When asked if I’m a photographer, I correct and say, “I’m a photography enthusiast.”

Sewing-summit-photography-02 That said, I do know how to use my camera in manual mode. It never leaves manual mode unless someone else is shooting my camera for me. I’m going to share with you some things that I’ve learned about photography that I picked up in my college photography class and with nearly 7 years of blogging.


Kid-friendly Elasticized Sneakers DIY


Penelope starts Kindergarten officially on Monday. We’re all thrilled about this transition. She is ready to face the big wide world of school.


It’s been fun to make and buy school clothes for her. I haven’t been very adventurous in the buying department, sticking to Walmart and Target for the essentials. It’s not like it matters. Yet.

I found these cute sneakers for $5, but they had white laces in them. White laces get dingy and Penelope’s not quite ready to tie her own shoes yet. So I replaced the laces with some fancy-pants elastic. I just threaded the holes and sewed the two ends together. Boom. Done. She’s ready to slip these on and off at a moment’s notice. You can do it too! Try out a cute fold over elastic
or a picot elastic.

Next up: the backpack. We had a fun conversation in the car about what kind of backpack she should get. I think we’ve got a fun little craft project up our sleeves. Looking forward to sharing her creativity with you soon.

What preparations have you been working on for the school year? Any fun crafty projects?

DIY Mason Jar Sippy and Silhouette


It’s been nearly 4 years since I DIY-ed my first sippy mason jar and the trend is still going strong!! I’d love to get my hands on one of those cute daisy lids, but for now I’ll just DIY my own.


I’m addicted to soda water. It’s just about the only way I get my daily water in. Add a few chopped fruits for a little bit of sweet and a lot of vitamins. We make our own soda water with the soda siphon we’ve had for over a year. We love it so much, we burn through 2 chargers a day. Maybe more. I want to DIY a soda water fountain next to our faucet. I know we’d use it.

I dressed up my little mason jar with a little calligraphy bling. I lettered, cut and slapped this little decal on in no time. And of course, while we’re on the topic of vinyl (like that segue?), Silhouette is having a deal on vinyl, get it with a new machine or buy one get one free. Use code MELISSA at checkout. Valid through August 14th.


I am a Silhouette affiliate. I wouldn’t blog about their products unless I really loved them. And I do. I receive a portion of sales made with the promotional link above, so thank you for your support!!

DIY Captain’s Mirror Art Frame Tutorial



Learn calligraphy online at You’ll learn the basics of pointed pen, flourishing, addressing envelopes and developing your own style. The course comes complete with a beginner kit of supplies and personal coaching from calligraphy experts Melissa Esplin and Erika Paulsen. Click here to find out more.

I love captain’s mirrors. I’m not sure what it is, perhaps the rounded shape or the leather straps?

Turns out they’re really hot right now, there are loads of DIYs for them, too (hello Pinterest).


Here’s my version that takes a spot of glue and some embroidery hoops. If you’ve got a belt that you don’t wear anymore, you may already have everything you need on hand. These guys above are about 3 inches in diameter. Tiny art is so fun! I want to fill a whole wall with little art pieces like this.



  • scissors
  • leather
  • pencil
  • embroidery hoops (2, the same size)
  • glue
  • q-tips
  • paper

Instructions after the jump!


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