I etched this platter several years ago, when I published how to etch glass with contact paper. I’ve had a few people ask for the design template that I used, so over three years later here it is. I just winged it as I went along, but I’ve vectorized what I did for you to use in your holiday crafting.
I would also like to include a few additional tips for glass etching. See template and tips below.
- Use a LOT of etching acid, like 1/4 of an inch thick and spread evenly.
- When you’re done etching DO NOT WASH ACID DOWN THE DRAIN. Scoop up remaining acid and put it back in the bottle. You can use it again and again!
- Glass etching acid never goes bad, it just crystalizes. Pick out the crystals and you’re ready to rock and roll.
- If you’re etching a round surface like a pitcher or wine glass, use nice painter’s tape as your mask. It’ll hug those curves better than contact paper.
This tutorial or freebie is free for personal use and should not be distributed/republished without the express consent of Melissa Esplin. I love getting shout outs from around the web, but please, link with love. You may publish 1 photo along with credit back to the original post. Never link directly to the download. If you would like to use this tutorial or freebie for commercial purposes, please email me. Thanks!
[…] To print out a template of the above design, click here. Posted in crafts, tutorials Tags: craft, crafts, diy, download, easy, etching, free, free tutorial, glass, how-to, idea, pdf, tutorials […]
Fun! I’ve never etched glass, but thanks for the tips! And I love the design.
[…] Download: Glass Etched Design – 1 freebie(s)? […]
Hi, Lovely design.
I copied it and I’m incorporating it into a couple of bowls I’m making in pottery.
1st I will attach paper cut out so that when I glaze it this will be a different colour.
2nd I will build up central design with tiny coils outlining design, centre will be filled with crushed glass. When fired glass will melt and form glorious colour.
So thank you for giving me the inspiration from your template. BTW both bowls are gifts, I’m not selling them so no money raised from your template :~)
That sounds awesome! I would love to see a pic when they’re finished!
Ok, I only do pottery one day a week and this project will take about 6 weeks to complete.
1/2 term in 2 weeks so have to start after that when clear run to work.
When they are done I’ll post pics :~)