I think it was 6 years ago for Christmas, I asked for stylish black leather flat boots. My mom, dad & I searched HIGH & low for the perfect pair for the right price. Apparently flat stylish winter boots weren't in style at that time, because it took several weeks of diligent search before we found a pair that worked. Those boots have most certainly served me well over the years, but they're dying. It's so sad to see them go.

This year I was hoping to find a pair of flat black leather boots before the snow started to fall. I was definitely willing to spend some decent money on a pair, especially if they'd last 6+ years. Well, I found my replacements. I shelled out many a pretty penny for them. Like 600 pennies. That's pennies, not dollars. Oh. My. Gosh.

These boots are gorgeous in person. They're Italian leather boots with pristine leather soles. I'm not sure I've ever owned a pair of shoes so well constructed in my life! I haven't been able to go more than a day or two without wearing them since I bought them; they seem to match with everything & they're perfect for tired pregnant feet.
Have you scored any good deals this week? Please share & leave links in the comments! I loved seeing what you shared last week.
Amy Lou found a box full of vintage cameras,
Michelle found 2 industrial cutting mats for $3,
Erin found the raddest white lamp for $5 (I'm so jealous over it, btw), and
Sarah found mustard yellow pumps & a striped skirt for uber cheap.
Also, if you're interested, I started a new section on my blog that's all about fashion. Well, I really just started a new blog -
I Still Love Fashion. I plan to post outfit pictures & details of my outfits on a regular basis. Right now I'm posting non-maternity maternity outfits - as I have yet to buy any "maternity" clothes so far.