I've fallen completely head-over-heels for
Asos. Are you familiar with the shop? It's an online shop that has hundreds of thousands of awesome clothes. The site is gorgeously designed, too, and mostly with cool javascript queries (which Chris is always impressed by). Seriously, we spent 5 minutes looking at their site both on the desktop and on our phones just gawking at the fantastic design involved in the site.

I've been pinning away at all the dresses in their shop that I'd love to find their way into my closet. (
SEE HERE). My awesome
teal dress I wore at Alt is from Asos. I came across
this dress as I was reading
Uber Chic for Cheap. I couldn't help myself, so as soon as Chris got his job, I clicked the purchase button. This dress was $25, and the other dress I bought (I'll share later) was $35. SCORE. They're both gorgeous, unique, well-made and demure. I don't want to be popping out of my clothing while chasing after the kiddos.

This floral print is fantastic and perfect for both winter and spring. I'd say this was a total steal at $25. (Asos also has free shipping and returns to boot) What awesome thrifty finds have you scored lately? Do share!! Links are awesome, too.
*I wish this post was sponsored by Asos, because I love them this much, but this post is all me.