I've been dying to make a cute little outfit for Miss Juniper. I've had this French terry material for some time and I've wanted to make a few cute outfits for my girls. Harem pants included.

On Saturday I had a few minutes to kill, so I drafted up a raglan hoodie and a pair of harem pants. The pleated front of the pants and the pointy hood kill me. She looks like an angry little lawn gnome. Adorable.

Seriously, this girl has my heart. I can't get enough of her. I want to make more cute little snuggle outfits for her!

Unfortunately when I asked Penelope if she wanted something similar, she said no. She's getting her own opinions on her clothes, it's kind of a bummer. I'd love for them to be twinners! Oh well. We'll see if I can convince her to agree with something similar. Fingers crossed!