Penelope has an incredible fascination with birds. Specifically Blue Macaws. I think it all stems from the movies Rio and Rio 2 (highly under-rated movies, in my opinion). She's a wiz at drawing them, she loves reading about them, she's just obsessed.

Yet for some reason it still surprised me when we walked down the aisles of JoAnn (about beginning of September, maybe August?) and she requested I make her a Blue Macaw costume for Halloween. I mean she was going all goo-goo ga-ga over the sparkly blue Elsa-dress-type fabric. I was expecting something Frozen to head our way. I'm not the biggest fan of that movie; perhaps it's because so many people raved about the music like it was on-par with Lion King. Uhhh, really guys? Do you have ears? It's definitely not at that level. It was just standard Disney fare in my opinion. I digress.

I secretly screamed for joy when she wanted to do something completely different than Elsa. So we scoured the aisles and found a sparkly blue spandex (remeniscent of the Mardi Gras parade scene) and this awesome textured chiffon that looks just like bird feathers. And then we found a matching headband with sequins. And matching feathers. And matching leggings.
All that I had to do (and I say "all" like it's no small feat, but this part took me forever) was to make her a little birdie dress and a cape. It took me a while to come up with the concept. Just having raw fabric at my disposal, I wasn't sure if I should go more sculptural or more themed. I went more practical with leggings and a dress just because I'm not going to go to such efforts to make her something that she'll never wear again. The cape will be in the dress-ups forever. The dress may actually get some wear on special occasions. I'm not sure what, but I'm sure Penelope will think of something. She was excited to get a new dress.

I was planning on dressing Felix up as Fix-it-Felix, but he refused. I had a few hand-me-down costumes as well. Still no. Maybe next year. June wore cat ears. We may get more into it next year. But Pen had fun.
And this year was our second annual Pic-or-Treat! We set up the photo booth (this time with full-body format) and gave printed photos out to the trick-or-treaters. Some didn't want their picture taken (totally understandable - let me go to this random stranger's house and let them take pictures of minors! YAY! JK.), so we had candy for them. We loved it! I heard from several grateful parents who didn't have a chance to get pictures of their kids. That made it all worth it.
Now on to Thanksgiving!