Easter is just around the corner. I can't believe it's already here. Have you seen all of the fun things you can do to celebrate? I'll be including a list of a few of my favorites, below.

One thing that I don't much care for about Easter is the fake plastic grass. YUCK. If you know me personally, you'll know that I have texture issues, and the texture of plastic grass drives me a little batty. The crinkle paper filler isn't my favorite, either, but I can't seem to find it in the colors I like or want. Also, I hardly ever have the right color on hand for anything.

I do, however, have a lot of tissue paper always on hand. Instead of plastic Easter grass, I will be cutting up mounds of tissue paper. Buy your favorite print or color and cut small strips using a paper cutter or simple scissors. Since it's grass, there's no need to worry about straight lines.
Creating a large collection of Easter grass takes very little time. Promise.

Last night I got together with a few friends and we made surprise Easter balls. I made one for Penelope and one for Felix. Felix is a bit too young for it, but I'm sure he might get a bit jealous seeing Penelope unwrapping her surprises all by herself. What are your plans on celebrating Easter with your kiddos? Below are some fantastic DIY projects for kiddos grown ups alike.
2010 Easter Basket • 2011 Easter Box • Printable Bunny Puppets • Surprise Balls • Bunny Bags • Bunny Puppet