Is it a sad day that this was inspired by a tee I saw at Walmart? I got this striped jersey from a fabric destash last year and have been at a loss for what to make with it until I saw
this product listing.

I'm obsessed with those cheap jeggings, btw. Perfect for a baby bump. It's no announcement, beyond the fact that I'm getting baby hungry.

I already had a pattern drafted up from a
floral shirt project from last year that just needed a couple of tweaks. The pattern now fits me perfectly. You better believe I'm going to make a million more shirts in this shape. Since it only has two pattern pieces, it took me about an hour and a half to sew this thing up. I had plenty of fabric left over, I made a shirt for my neighbor and
still had more left over for a bubble skirt for Penelope. I'm still not done with that skirt, but it's close. I'm just dragging my feet on attaching the waistband.

It's a light-weight jersey that I know I'll be wearing the heck out of this summer.

My friend Kristin just made a similar shirt and posted her
pattern as a free download so you can make your own.

Outfit details: