During Chris's two and a half weeks of Christmas vacation, we spent our time redesigning a few blogs. WE had a grand time working together & making the interwebs a tiny bit prettier. I'll be sharing a finished project each week along with a design tip (or two) for a better blog.
Ellen was an absolute dream to work with. She's been commenting over here on ISLY for some time, so I was familiar with her adorable family-centered blog:
Black & White & Loved All Over. When she signed up for her bloggy face lift, I was SO excited to do it for someone I was familiar with!

Her before (above) wasn't terrible, but it lacked a lot of cohesion. The font she had chosen for her header wasn't bad & I definitely appreciate that she used it
only in the header. With that in mind, I hand-lettered her masthead & used organic elements to keep things cozy & familiar.

I didn't want to do a literal translation of Black & White the color, so I leaned more towards grasping opposites and mostly in font weight. The color palette we kept slightly muted to create more warmth & I included a large profile picture to add a personal touch. As someone who reads a lot of personal & commercial blogs, I want to know what the writer looks like. I want to see his/her face so I can get a sense of who they are. I love the about picture of Ellen. I don't know her in person, but I feel like her picture embodies someone approachable, creative & kind. Which I assume she is, since she was awesome to work with.
I'm totally in love with the
vintage handkerchief teeshirt update pictured above. Ingenius! I'm a firm believer that clean & cohesive design elements will help make her already awesome projects shine. So on to the first design tip:
• Blog tip #1 : COLOR! •
Don't be too literal with your color scheme, but not so over the place, either. Find an image that inspires your style & glean your palette from that. I head over to
Color Collective frequently for a starting point for color palettes. Lauren is great at picking very inspiring images (she credits them all correctly, too). It's a fantastic resource for cohesive, beautiful & unexpected color combinations.