I'm pregnant!! WOO HOO!
I've wanted to share this news with the whole world for some time, but I didn't feel like it was official until I heard the heart beat. Penelope & I listened to the heartbeat at the doc's office on Tuesday, and all is going well! We are just thrilled. The crazy part is that I'm nearly 14 weeks along! I didn't think I was that far along at all. Surprise!!

My belly is starting to grow now & I feel like I need to make the necessary arrangements for my upcoming giant belly. I've needed a full-sized apron for ages, but now that I'll have a huge belly just asking for stains & spills; I finally made one.

I made sure my apron was high-waisted & pleated to add room for my growing body. We'll see how well it fits when I'm 9 months & bursting at the seams. It didn't take me much time at all to make it, so I made a matching apron for Penelope, too. I'll post pics of her soon.
Here's the breakdown of my pregnancy so far:
- Morning sickness isn't nearly as bad this time around as it was with Penelope.
- I'm craving spaghetti, top ramen, pizza & a special brand of English muffins.
- I've gained about 10 lbs so far.
- I swear I'm having a boy, and we will be finding out in about 4-5 weeks.
- I'm totally exhausted all the time.
- I can't eat sweets; the smell of marshmallows & Nutella makes me want to vomit.
- Everything smells like mildew.
- I'm due sometime in February, no exact due date yet.
So there you have it, the cat's out of the bag!! Hope you have a good weekend! My weekend plans include taking a million naps & desperately try to catch up on all the sleep I lost in New York.