finally done decorating Penelope's room. Well, done until we move (likely soon). I'm very excited to share these photos with you! While I felt like I splurged a lot on Penelope's room, I did manage to score some great deals along the way.

Here's the breakdown. If you don't see it listed here, I had it on-hand already.
- rug - Urban Outfitters - $45
- table - DI - $2
- chairs - Ikea - $30
- yellow box - DI - $1
- yellow basket - DI - $1
- paper for garlands - Robert's - $2
- paint for nightstand, desk & crib - WalMart - $25
- lampshade - Target - $17
- lamp - WalMart - $12
- yellow frame - DI - $1
- watering can - DI - $1
- white wooden shelf - $3
- fabric for chevron pillow - DI - $2
- frame for LOVE poster - Ikea - $22
- trash bins for toys - Ikea - $50
- faux Eames rocker - Caitlyn Creer - $90
- TOTAL - $304

If I could have had my own way with this space, Penelope would have white walls, teal scalloped border with teal ceiling & white hardwood floors. Lemme just daydream about this for a minute. SIGH. I actually
hate this disgusting tan wall color. Any house that I actually own will
never, ever have tan/taupe/beige walls. Ever. Besides that, I really love Penelope's room. It's fun & bright. The white furniture definitely opens up the small 8'x10' space.

Let's talk details. Penelope has never had her own room before, she's only ever had a closet. Not much to decorate there. When we moved to our little house, we were given a few pieces of furniture from family members to help us get started. My mom gave us her desk & nightstand from her childhood. I've always loved these pieces & was incredibly, incredibly excited to use them for Penelope's room. They have such fabulous feminine details! The two pieces were slightly mis-matched, so I painted the wood white & fixtures yellow to modernize the furniture a bit more. I think they turned out gorgeous!!

Chris's parents kindly handed down their crib. THE crib that they used on all six of the Esplin kidlets. THE CRIB. Can I tell you how utterly sweet it is to be able to use such beautiful, sentimental furniture?!? I love it. The crib was in need of a little facelift; I thought so at least. Chris was very resistant. I had built up this image in my head of a freshly painted white crib with matching white furniture, so it was very difficult for me to let that go. Just before I did, Chris kindly relented on the condition that I did all the painting. I'm really happy with the end result (see first pic)!

The Eames rocker was a great deal.
Caitlin Creer, interior designer + blogger, hooked me up with the rocker
and came over to my house to help me rearrange the furniture in the room. So awesome. The furniture configuration is a lot more open, thanks to her! Sometimes it's so necessary to have a second opinion on stuff like this.

The toy bins were also the brain child of Caitlin. I was thinking of making some sort of toybox using
her old crib, but that would've required a lot of time and mind-grapes on my part. At Caitlin's suggestion, I headed over to ikea & coughed up $50 for the cans. I seriously don't spend that kind of money on containers. Perhaps if I had been diligent enough with my thrifting, I could've found something similar for $4-15, but I was impatient & my aunt had given me a giftcard to use on something as frivolous as trash bins.
The artwork & dress above the trash bins were also hand-me-downs from my mom. My sisters & I wore that dress & Penelope wore it too. The artwork is a cross-stitch of a bunch of teddybears in tutus. AW. My mom made that back when we were little. Between my sentiments & Penelope's love for dance, I thought I could find the perfect place in Penelope's room to hang it.

The chairs were also another Ikea splurge, but they're so darn cute I couldn't pass them up! Isn't Penelope so sweet playing lunch with her baby? Also, I didn't mention it before. . . I love the rug I found for Penelope's room. Well, I didn't find it. Deb over at
Fresh Nest did. I emailed her asking where I could find an inexpensive, bright, non-cheesy rug for Penelope's room and she responded with a
great article on resources for awesome kid's rugs.
So, there you have it. I did Penelope's room in just over $300. Not the best deal ever, but not bad. Right?
Here are a few links to see the 8 month journey of Penelope's room & more info on the details I didn't mention above: