Last month when Jill & I were brainstorming together, she mentioned that she wanted to make a wallet for her husband's birthday. Immediately I thought of a wallet I'd been thinking of making for some time. It was gosh probably over a year ago, I went to Tandy with Susan & the guy helping us wanted to show us a picture & pulled off his cuff to reveal his wallet was the cuff! I just remember thinking 1) that's rad & 2) why haven't I thought of that?
Click here to see the full outfit
Jill & I spent an afternoon working out the pattern & shooting this tutorial a few weeks ago & it's high time I share the how-to with you. This project is a perfect handmade man gift that looks super cool, is super functional & easy to make. I'm sure I'm going to find myself making a bunch of these for the men in my family for Christmas.
This tutorial includes patterns for both men's & women's sizing. I'm loving my cuff, by the way. It's perfect for going to shows or out dancing when all you need is some cash and an ID. ALSO, I fully plan on sporting one of these at the Sewing Summit in a few weeks. It's the perfect place to stash business cards.
• S U P P L I E S •
- 1-3 ounce leather
- snaps & setter
- tape
- pattern
- hole punch
- hammer
- paint brush & water
- bulldog clips
- scissors
Print out your pattern pieces (provided in download below) & tape them onto your leather. Punch holes.
Cut out your pattern pieces. Remove tape & pattern pieces.
Sandwich tabs between folded pieces of leather & attach your top snaps.

Attach your bottom snaps & let the leather dry for 2-4 hours before removing bulldog clips.
Remove bulldog clips & insert money, cards, etc inside the flaps.
Snap in place!
Make a statement by adding more snaps to your cuff. Keep your money, cards in place by sewing a line along the width of the cuff. This is perfect for traveling, concerts or going around pocket-less.