This idea came to me yesterday. It's simple, but I sure enjoyed playing around with the flourishes. You can see the design process a bit on instagram.

Next Sunday is Mother's Day. Do you have something planned for the mama/woman in your life? You should start scheming now.
We don't really celebrate holidays a ton, but Chris knows I require breakfast in bed and a long love letter for Mother's Day. Flowers would be nice too, especially since I recently figured out it was a deer (or five?) that ate all of our tulips. Poor Penelope got an ear full from me about not cutting down flowers before I figured that one out. Mom of the year award definitely not going my way.

I'm thrilled to bits that my mom will be visiting over Mother's day. I miss having my parents close by (they've lived in Charlotte for the last 4 years). My mom knows so much about being a good mom, maintaining a house and planting an amazing garden.
My favorite memories of childhood include seeing those first fruits of the season. Particularly going out and picking the giant raspberries (the size of my thumb!) and eating them right off the bush. For lunch we would eat tomatoes, cottage cheese with pepper on top. Mmm. Mmm.
My mom is the reason for my inner foodie. She knows how to cook! She taught me everything I know. And I know I can call her up while I'm in the middle of the grocery store with howling kids in tow and she'll advise me on the right cut of meat to buy. Or she'll find the recipe I forgot to look up before planning my shopping trip.
She's the best.

I lucked out with my mother-in-law, too. She can master anything she wants. She's a fabulous organist, pianist, classical guitarist and classical basist. She can knit the most amazing socks (I'm a picky sock person) and most recently she's made the most darling quilts for Penelope and Felix. She lives in Phoenix unfortunately, so I don't get to see her as often as I would like. She is an amazing mom. How lucky am I to have two amazing mothers in my life?

There are so many incredibly women and mothers out there. So print a card for your mom and tell her how awesome she is. Click the button above to download. Check out last
year's card here.
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