Posts Tagged ‘photography’

Idaho Falls at Dusk


It’s good to be back!! It’s been a while since I’ve had full-blown internet access; so I have a few unanswered emails, over 900 unread items in google reader and this blog has been neglected. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do!

Last week we decided to take a last-minute trip to see Chris’s grandparents. We had been trying to decide when to visit and then it looked like they might have a buyer for their home so we rushed up in hopes to catch them before moving chaos. The timing couldn’t have been better for all of us! On the way to Bigfork, we made a detour to Idaho Falls for a helicoptor ride and Island Park for a relaxing Saturday and Sunday with friends and their family.

Chris & Chad in the Victory Cheer

River from the Helicopter

Doyle [my friend’s dad]  just got a helicopter and license so he was anxious to take it for a spin. He did a great job of making it a smooth ride!


I can’t tell you how incredibly excited I was to ride in a helicopter. It was really cool, as evidenced by the 150 photos that I took.



Seriously huge thanks to Alexis and Chad for inviting us, and to Doyle and Elizabeth for the hospitality. We had so much fun!!

Taliesin West & Desert Botanical Gardens


I’ve definitely shirked in my blogging the last few days, I’ve just been so busy vacationing with family and catching up with my sister-in-law [who I haven’t seen in over a year and a half]. It’s been fun! The last two days we’ve spent discovering some sweet spots around the Phoenix area. Monday, we went to Taliesin West, one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s projects and the home of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.


It was so neat to be able to walk around where Wright lived and breathed and to sit in chairs he designed and used. I was very happy that we could truly experience the architecture, but incredibly bummed we couldn’t take photos of the interiors. Poop. I made it a mental note to come back if there’s ever a day when I get to build my own house. It was all so inspiring.


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Then today, we hit up the Desert Botanical Gardens to visit the Chihuly exhibit. I guess I’m a woman obsessed. I’ve been to three exhibits of his, two of which have been in the last six months. This exhibit was beautifully integrated with the cactus landscape, which lent itself to a completely different feel than in a museum.


It was loads of fun to walk around the gardens searching for any unusual pop of color. Penelope seemed to like it and the weather was so perfectly gorgeous for us.



Oneword February: GROW


I took some more photos this weekend while on our V-day stroll. I was happy that a) it wasn’t raining at the time and b) the sky was moody and overcast. My favorite.





Thanks to Shutter Sisters for motivating me to look at things differently. I can’t wait to see what next month’s oneword will be.

ALSO, Don’t forget, I have a giveaway for an awesome stationery set going on right now! You should enter!

Oneword February: GROW


One of my new blog obsessions: Shutter Sisters. SO cool. So girly. But not.

Just this month they started a photography challenge. The prize: a lens baby composer–these things are SO stinking sweet. This month each person gets to pick out a word and take photos relating to that word. Upload to flickr. There you go. If you want to join in on the fun, read about the rules here.

Hmmm… It was so hard to choose just one word. Grow. I’ve been thinking that I really need to expand my interests beyond the hobbyist/enthusiast level. I’ve got it in me, right? So this month, my photos are about growing my talents. Pushing my photo skills and photographing subjects and scenes that I haven’t really mastered yet.

Here they are. Growing. I’m learning how to take pictures of the outdoors. Capturing breath, or life and hopefully conveying it in a still image. More are on the way.

P.S. I <3 you, San Francisco.






Accordion Frame + Tutorial


I’ve been a little busy recently. Mostly I’ve been working on this and this. Yeah, uh if you need any survival gear, go here. It’s probably the spiffiest-looking outdoor/survival gear e-store you’ll ever see. So, I haven’t had much time for arts and crafts. Nope, not very many at least. And since I’ve been so busy, all of the tutorials I promise myself I’d put up have been put off. Not for long, though. Promise.

Accordion Frames

About a week ago, I got an idea to make regular frames into an accordion frame set. I think it turned out sweet. Pictures of the family sure do spiff up an apartment. Want to do this project, too? Click HERE to download the free tutorial.

Looking around for more tutorials? Click on the DIY button in the right nav bar for my original tutorials, or click on the tutorial category link in the left nav bar for links to other tutorials. Thanks for reading. ISLY.

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