Last Saturday night I was trying to keep myself occupied while Chris was busy playing chess –he's an awesome chess player– so I decided to make a dress. I have a couple of dress patterns that I've found recently, but they don't particularly cater to a growing belly. So, I thought I would be creative and modify one of the patterns to make a dress of my own.
Just like on Project runway, I had until midnight (or until I zonked out of sleepiness). Then, the next day I had a few hours to fit the garment to my model (me), and send it down the runway (aka church). I ran into a few issues which took me up until sacrament meeting to solve. We were a little late for church. It turned out great, though. Here's how it looks:

Am I in, or am I out? Now that I'm looking at the picture, I think I should have ironed the dress before taking pictures. Oh, well. I'm particularly proud of the back of the dress, because the pattern called for a 19" zipper, and I didn't have one on hand, but I did have a bunch of matching buttons and some ribbon which I colored black with a sharpie marker (ghetto, but fabulous!). Here's a view of the back...

I love how this dress turned out, but I think I'm going to make another one in some more exciting fabric.
P.S. That fabric I have had for years, bought it from Wal*Mart for $1 a yard!! I know so many people boycott that store, but I won't hide that I love it!!