100th Percentile in Pure Cuteness


Penelope had her Four month check-up yesterday, which went surprisingly well! She didn’t cry for the first shot, fussed a little with the second and so far has yet to get a fever or anything. I’m so amazed at how well she’s done with all those immunizations.

Penelope’s stats:

Height: 24 inches (67%)

Weight: 16 lbs. 6 oz. (90%)

Head: 17 1/4 inches (96%)

I was just shocked at how big she is, well, only kind of. I know she’s big because I have to haul her everywhere, and my arms are constantly getting tired, but I had NO idea how big she is for her age!! WOW. I guess it is a little obvious when she’s now fitting into 6-9 month clothing. I just love chunky babies.

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    1. Nicia says:

      I love the title of your post! It looks like she is a very healthy girl!

    2. Lindsey says:

      Awww, she’s so chubby! I just want to squeeze her legs!

    3. Julia says:

      Yes, let me give her a big squeeze. She’s beautiful! You should be so proud.

    4. l says:

      OMGOSH! Her chubby legs are to die for…so cute. I always tell Adam, “we better have a huge chunkster, or I don’t know if I will survive motherhood”. Sounds extreme, but I just feel like chunkiness always brings a smile to my face.

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