Bookbinding and Watercolor Classes Starting SOON!


Do you want to learn how to bind books, or watercolor? I’ll be teaching a bookbinding class and a watercolor class (starting in 2 weeks), through the Sequioa Adult School in Menlo Park. If you’re interested and would like to sign up, or find out more about the classes offered, go here and/or here.

*Update: The September Session of Bookbinding has been cancelled, so if you’re still interested in learning how to bookbind, sign up for the November Session!

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    1. Maria says:

      Melissa’s bookbinding class is the best. I learned so much in a short time and I’ve been able to continue making all sorts of different books since the class ended using what I learned. (Check out what Melissa taught me at Melissa’s artistic style is inspiring and she’s lots of fun. This class is the best bargain around.

    2. Wendie says:


      I want to take your bookbinding class in the 2nd sequoia adult session but I will miss the first class. Can I come to the first session 1st class and then take the 2nd session class?

    3. Jan says:

      I am interested in the bookbinding class at Little House in September or November. The materials list says “paper” but does not specify what kind–would plain tabloid-size copy paper work or would that be decorative or heavier weight paper?

      The “Leave a Reply” input area on your web page should probably say “Email” as “Mail” is a bit counter-intuitive unless you want address information. Maybe you do–I am not sure. Thanks!

    4. Melissa says:

      A lot of the materials for bookbinding will be discussed for the first day of class. When it gets close, I’ll email everyone a specific list on what they need to bring that first day of class. So, you don’t really need to worry about it too much.

      Basically, the long and the short of it is that you can use tabloid sized paper for your text block and you’ll probably need some sort of decorative paper for either the paste-ins and/or for the covers.

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