A Feather Pretty is in My Hair + Tutorial


Sometimes I feel like a complete troll. I see some of the sweetest things on etsy and in my ultra cheapness I decide not to buy it but make it myself, and write a tutorial about it.

I’ve seen some stinking awesome feather headbands lurking around etsy, and I’ve made my own clippies with feathers on them, but the black-feather clippies didn’t really work in my short, dark hair. So I’m very excited to tell you that I’ve assembled a headband complete with feathers and fabric flower that doesn’t just blend in.

Feather Headband in my Hair

I’ve even made a FREE downloadable tutorial. Click here to download the Feather Headband Tutorial. If you’re having problems downloading, please comment and I’ll make sure to get it to you!

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  • Categories
    1. melissa, melissa… if only I could make things half as pretty as the things you create. You’re very inspiring. Maybe you should have some classes in Salt Lake when I get home… :) Sewing… paper crafts… I bet a lot of people would sign up.

    2. Deanna says:

      You are so cute. Lovely picture.

    3. L says:

      GOSH! you just rock!

    4. Marissa Pike says:

      So pretty…I’m going to start giving you lists of things I see and THINK I can make myself but never do. :)

    5. You’re welcome for the “link love.” :) I stumbled across your blog and I think it’s great! You have some wonderful designs and I love all of your sewing projects!! It makes me want to start back up! Funny thing I also noticed is that your Etsy is Melissapher . . . my name is Melissa and my husband is Chris and he used to call me Melissapher anytime I would use his full name (Christopher)!

    6. Brooke says:

      You look so cute in headbands. I love that one.

    7. Leah Eucker says:

      You totally rock that headband!

    8. I just found you from Jenn’s site. This is great! I’ll be linking:-)

    9. tiddly says:

      Yay! Thank you! I can’t wait! LOVE the scalloped edge!!!

    10. You look beautiful with that feather headband. Nice picture Melissa!

    11. […] to right: 1. Feather & Flower Headband by Ann DeOtte at Still Dottie 2. Feather Headband by Melissa Esplin at IS•LY 3. Felt & Button Elastic Headband by Nikki at Whimsy Love 4. Felt […]

    12. […] Pretty Feather Headband Tutorial by Melissa @ IS•LY […]

    13. Ashley says:

      Still creating wonderful things, I see! I saw your picture on Pinterest and thought, “Hey! I know her!” Great Headband, I can’t wait to look through the other projects you’ve done!

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