Earth Day Winner #5: Let's Have a Picnic!

May 27, 2009
Here's a little info about our fifth winner, Brooke: Favorite colors: yellow, but I also like green, orange and blue Interests: I like doing things outdoors, especially if they involve the water. I also enjoy traveling, cooking, and sunshine. Something that makes me, me: Hm. I love to laugh and to make others laugh, even if its poking fun at myself. :D Paper Napkin Paper Rings It's funny, I had such a hard time coming up with something for Brooke, and we have so much in common! It was so good to spend so much time brainstorming ideas, though. I'm a little embarrassed it took me until this morning to figure out something that I could do that could be unique and fun and easy to ship. I have this huge pile of small paintings next to our computer, and I thought that it would be great to reuse them somehow, and here they are, as napkin rings. _dsc0335I just took a couple of old paintings, ripped them in half (2.5" x 7") and added a snap! This way the rings can be shipped (or stored) flat and securly fastened together when in use. Perfect for a casual picnic in the park or at the pool (but maybe not too close to the water ;) ). paintingsHere are the two paintings that gave their lives all for the sake of picnicking. I think I'm going to do this napkin ring thing again. Seriously. This idea would have come in handy for Penelope's party. Too bad it took me this long to think it up!