I had an elaborate plan to make a bikini with high-waisted shorts. Meh. That didn't happen. I have terrible luck finding sweet swimsuits in my bust size, which is why I was insane enough to think about making one. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of great swimsuit companies out there that would likely have something I would love, but my price range is about $20 for the whole ensemble. Not per piece and not per square inch. Yeah. I'm such a cheapskate. As luck would have it, I found
the perfect bathing suit on sale at
Target. There was only one left and it fits me perfectly!

I have yet to wear the suit out of the house as you can tell from my pasty white skin, but I love it.

Just a couple of days ago I got a hair-brained idea as I was waking up (isn't that when all the crazy ideas come?) to make a short romper cover-up for my new suit. There was no way I was going to let the idea escape me so I did it right then.

After more than 7 hours of drafting, sewing, unpicking and sewing; I finished it. It's kinda time consuming to sew something with out any pattern or dress form to work on, but I made do. I made it out of the raddest vintage stripe jersey knit material, which coincidentally matches my suit perfectly. NOW, I'm ready for summer. Are you?
P.S I love my new
gladiator sandals! Thanks,
Madeline, for pointing me in the right direction for these babies!