Yesterday I attacked my "to sew" pile & finished two baby blankets (one which went practically straight to the wash because of Felix) and a skirt. I got this ruffled fabric way back when I was pregnant so I made a pillow & a skirt for Penelope out of it. I couldn't wait to get my waist back so I could make a skirt out of it. Then Felix came & I forgot all about the fabric.
A couple of measurements & two seams later, I have a new skirt! I love that I don't have to worry about a hem in the is fabric. I hate hemming. Between this & the baby blankets I only diminished my "to sew" pile by about an eighth, but progress is progress. I've got too many refashions in the works.
Also, are you familiar with Cotton & Curls? It's my new blog obsession & she has a group called refashion nation. It's a great place to find other refashion blogs as well as list your own blog if you're a refashionista.