One thing I know for sure about myself is the fact that I have no motivation to do anything unless there's a deadline. Like. . .
What? we've got a wedding to go to in two hours & no clean clothes in the house? I guess I'll do the laundry/ironing now. That's just how I roll. Which is, of course, one of the reasons why I keep up this blog. It gives me the opportunity to make for myself deadlines so I actually get off my sorry butt & do something productive. Yesterday two of my favorite bloggers announced a little challenge that they're doing (along with some other big-time bloggers - see below).
Nicole &
Emily are decorating doll houses & taking us along as they do it. Genius. They even invited anyone else interested to tag-along.
Can I participate, can I, can I? I'm totally the un-cool little sister here. ;)

Well, hello there, hand-me-down dollhouse that I've been meaning to refurb for 3 years! Maybe you'll actually get your time to shine now.
This challenge is the perfect opportunity for me to
finally check this off my to-do list. I'm going to refurbish this darling little mushroom house, but I'm going to take the challenge one step further, though. I've not spent any money on this dollhouse (it was a hand-me-down) and I'm going to keep it that way. That's going to be tough, but I think I have enough supplies on-hand to do something really fun.
Anyone going to tag-along with me?! Also, I'm so incredibly excited to see what the above uber-talented ladies come up with. They're sure to be show-stoppers, for sure.