Leather Cuff Wallet Tutorial


Last month when Jill & I were brainstorming together, she mentioned that she wanted to make a wallet for her husband’s birthday. Immediately I thought of a wallet I’d been thinking of making for some time. It was gosh probably over a year ago, I went to Tandy with Susan & the guy helping us wanted to show us a picture & pulled off his cuff to reveal his wallet was the cuff! I just remember thinking 1) that’s rad & 2) why haven’t I thought of that?

Click here to see the full outfit

Jill & I spent an afternoon working out the pattern & shooting this tutorial a few weeks ago & it’s high time I share the how-to with you. This project is a perfect handmade man gift that looks super cool, is super functional & easy to make. I’m sure I’m going to find myself making a bunch of these for the men in my family for Christmas.

This tutorial includes patterns for both men’s & women’s sizing. I’m loving my cuff, by the way. It’s perfect for going to shows or out dancing when all you need is some cash and an ID. ALSO, I fully plan on sporting one of these at the Sewing Summit in a few weeks. It’s the perfect place to stash business cards.

• S U P P L I E S • 

  • 1-3 ounce leather
  • snaps & setter
  • tape
  • pattern
  • hole punch
  • hammer
  • paint brush & water
  • bulldog clips
  • scissors

Print out your pattern pieces (provided in download below) & tape them onto your leather. Punch holes.

Cut out your pattern pieces. Remove tape & pattern pieces.

With your paintbrush, wet the leather thoroughly along the fold.

Fold leather over & match up holes. Secure leather in place with bulldog clamps.

Sandwich tabs between folded pieces of leather & attach your top snaps.

Attach your bottom snaps & let the leather dry for 2-4 hours before removing bulldog clips.

Remove bulldog clips & insert money, cards, etc inside the flaps.

Snap in place!

If you’d rather not wear it, fold it in half & stuff in your back pocket.

• O P T I O N A L •

Make a statement by adding more snaps to your cuff. Keep your money, cards in place by sewing a line along the width of the cuff. This is perfect for traveling, concerts or going around pocket-less.




This tutorial/freebie is free for personal use and should not be distributed/republished without my consent. Altering the file NOT ALLOWED. If you would like to use this tutorial for commercial purposes, please email me. Thanks!

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    1. Shaela says:

      this is really cool! I have a brother who loves to wear cuffs and things so I might try to make him one of these for Christmas. :) Thanks!

    2. […] here to see the original: Leather Cuff Wallet Tutorial » ISLY | I Still Love You This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged a-wallet-for, her-husband, husband, […]

    3. great idea! you could also do buttons in lieu of snaps.


    4. bmerry says:

      that would make a good ‘night out’ wallet.

    5. Kayleigh says:

      Thanks for the tutorial Melissa! This would be great for concert-goers – I hate having to carry around a purse and my wallet is so bulky! I want to make it… but I don’t have all the supplies. I don’t know if I can justify buying them because I don’t know how many leather projects I’d make! :/

    6. Bellesme says:

      Haha thats so cool!!!
      One day I will be able to do all of these projects, I will have the ability, time and patience. one day.

    7. Miss. Indi says:

      O, my good, cool :) it’s useful and trendy too! thanks for sharing.

    8. […] Leather Cuff Wallet Tutorial from I still Love You […]

    9. Diane says:

      I just finished making this cuff wallet. But I made some modifications. I folded the inside end under far enough before I added the snaps to have a hidden place for a car key. It is snug, but works. I also made the outside end pointed, by folding the ends and securing them with rivets. I also added a little bling, diamond shaped studs, to help keep the ID in place. Done in red leather. Thanks for the great guide. I now have a pretty place to keep a key, ID & money when I don’t want to hold a purse or wallet.

    10. martha cristina medina says:

      quisiera que me informara los nombres de las herramientas que debo utilizar para ejecer el trabajo de elaboracion de productos de marroquineria

    11. […] out bags My sister got a leather cuff, similar to this. Leather Cuff Wallet Tutorial – ISLY | I Still Love You What a great idea. What are your favorite evening […]

    12. Sarah Helene says:

      I rarely see any tutorials using leather, so your Leather Cuff Wallet intrigued me to read through the details & look at all the sharp photos. FAB gift & practical for men & women. THANKS for sharing. Sarah in Minneapolis

    13. Krist says:

      Thank you for your clear tutorial with beautiful pictures! I especially like your detailed materials list. I can’t wait to complete this project.

    14. Beatriz says:


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