Connecting with my Past


Two years ago when my parents relocated to Charlotte, NC; my mom gave to me a book that still means the world to me. It’s my great-great grandfather’s resource book for sign making. Well, two weeks ago my grandma added to this dear gift. She gave me my great-great grandfather’s oblique calligraphy pen.

I’m in the proces of finalizing my online calligraphy course material and a lot of other stressful things, so it’s just perfect that my grandma would give it to me at this time. 

Truly, I feel loved by those beyond this world and I never thought I’d get so emotional over a pen.

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    1. That is a wonderful legacy. And those are some beautiful letters!

    2. Joelle says:

      This is so beautiful and special! And I just can’t wait for your online class. I’ll be the first to sign up!


    3. April says:

      ditto and ditto! ha ha!

    4. Sarah Jane says:

      So sweet Melissa. I love sentimental gifts like that. I truly believe they watch over us from the other side and stay so much a part of our lives.

    5. FOZZY says:

      the pen and book are so beautiful. i bet the old pages of the book smell nice (i have this odd habit of flushing thru an old book and sniffing the aroma).

    6. Evelyn says:

      Oh that got me all teary. You know it’s not just a pen…it’s a part of you! Your family history manifested in a little object. And that you love calligraphy only makes it that much more poignant. I think it’s an absolute treasure that you have those things! I got to keep my grandpa’s pencil sharpener and cried when I got it…silly maybe, but I get it :)

      PS sooo excited to hear the online class material’s coming along!!

    7. Zvezda says:

      hi there!

      I’ve been searching high and low for calligraphy classes. you said your’s is online, would you mind telling me where you are taking/took it through?

      thank you!

    8. Robin Amy B says:

      I’ve been looking all over for the name of “oblique calligraphy pen” – I saw a tutorial for something else, but the intro was written with this beautiful instrument – I’ll be looking for your online classes- this is great!

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