Pushing Myself on Refashions


I’ve been working in my studio the last couple of days tailoring these tops for my sister.

It’s been a little challenging because of the slippery nature of the fabric, but it’s been a great excuse to perfect my technique with the rolled hem foot. Each of these shirts, meant to be worn with tops underneath, were wider than they were long.

The whole style was supposed to be flowy, but my sister couldn’t help but feel completely drowned by each one of those tops. I shortened the sleeves and took in the bodice by about 6 inches on each side.

The pink one had an elastic drop waist, so I cut that off and hemmed the bottom. I do hope she likes these tops more now. Aren’t those prints so fun?

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    1. phil says:

      looks good !!!! the print on the pink is cool but i like the other two also , maybe a little preference for the dark one … or the light one … hum .. difficult to chose … they re all three nice :-)

    2. erin says:

      Pretty tops, my fave is the paisley print one on the right!

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