The official Alt Summit Schedule is out! I am thrilled to bits to be speaking this year. I’ll be speaking with Chelsea, Chris, Jenny and Jill. We’re part of the beginner blogger track (although I think all bloggers could gain some insight from my fellow panelists). We’ll be discussing all of the nuts and bolts of a fabulous DIY or tutorial and how Pinterest comes into play. I’m excited to be included in this list of amazing DIYers. Makes me feel like I need to step up my game a bit.
I had a fantastic time the last three years at Alt, I’m looking forward to rocking out for a fourth year!
I would love to hear your thoughts about our topic, whether you’re a reader or a fellow blogger who participates in DIYs. I’ve made a short questionnaire below, I would love to read your insights on the topics we will be discussing!
Speaking of DIY I just did a kind of “tutorial” for cut out oxfords I don’t know if you are a fan of oxfords but I was pretty proud that I actually refashioned something! Finally! Its honestly an original idea that came out of my own brain but itmay already be out there in the http://www…. i do dislike it when people outright copy someone’s tutorial and blog it and take all the credit. But I don’t see why pinning your own original content is a problem because the whole point of pinterest is to share ideas and inspiration right?
oh congrats on speaking at ALT! super super exciting!
So jealous! Would love to go but it’s a looooong way! Maybe next year :)