At the beginning of the summer, I scored a precious set of cups and dishes perfect for a tea party. I told Penelope she needed to gather her friends for a tea party at some point and use them. She squealed.

It wasn't until a few days later that she came up to me asking to get everything out for the tea party. After explaining to her that she needed to give her friends some kind of advanced warning if she wanted them to show up, her finger in the air as she enthusiastically said, "I need you to make me invitations!"
Well OKAY, my dear! The cutest little art director hovered over my shoulder to make sure all the details were correct. She needed gold bits on the invitations (see the little foil dots in the above pic?). And she needed them sealed with glitter washi tape to deliver to her friends.

I was thrilled to have a little peace and quiet while she walked the neighborhood, dropping them in the neighbor's mail boxes. Since it was a Monday and she was inviting her friends to a party on Tuesday, I made sure to text each mom to double-check invitations were received. All but 2 girls showed up. We had a full house of giggly girls with their pinkies high as they sipped "tea".
I served honey chocolate toasts, mint oreos (at Penelope's request) and raspberry lemonade. They thought it was the best tea ever.
(taken from an entirely different party, but I love this pic of her)
Penelope was the most gracious host exclaiming, "Welcome!! I'm so glad you could make it!" while I sat there, hands over my mouth, trying not to squeal and giggle at the same time. She is incredibly more socially astute at her age than I was in college. The girl knows how to throw a party.

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