I sorta binged a month or so ago with sewing projects & just stopped all of a sudden. Gosh, I'm feeling a tad rusty already! Well, last night while I was procrastinating doing what I should've been doing (i.e. laundry & design work), I thought I should probably give the sewing machine some TLC.

Last week I received some awesome ruffled fabric from one of my sponsors:
RuffledFabric.com. She sent me two yards, a petite sherbet ruffle and a more womanly brown ruffle. There's something about the color of the petite ruffle that drew me in, it was probably the orange dreamsicle I ate that had something to do with it. Last night I made Penelope a little ruffled skirt & matching ruffled bloomers in about an hour.

I was so excited about finishing my little skirt/bloomer combo I
nearly woke Penelope to see if she'd be willing to try it on. Thankfully I had good self-control. That little girl needs her sleep! This morning when I had her try it on it was a little on the long side, so I just trimmed a little off the bottom. No big deal. There's no need to finish your hems! Hallelujah!

I thought the whole ensemble turned out pretty darling. Can't wait to make a mama version of this skirt!
Ruffled Fabric did not pay for this post, but were generous to supply me with some rad fabric. I'm just writing about it because it's cool & I enjoyed working with it. That's all.