Thrifty & Chic: Containers


I have a minor obsession with containers. I was more than giddy with excitement when my mom bestowed upon me her spice of life jar from way back when, and I was personally hurt when Penelope broke it two days later. I also can’t help but lurk down the aisles at any store (thrift or otherwise) where cute containers might be present. After all, you can never have enough containers. Especially if you plan on entertaining the masses with little goodies that could possibly fit inside those containers.

Let me tell you about these containers. First, you’ve got the pitcher. I love this pitcher becacuse I inheirited it from my parents. It was part of their everyday ware that they got for their wedding. I love the cream colored ceramic & the mustard ring detail.

Second is the daisy glass container. I found this gorgeous jar for $1. I love the bright yellow & the daisy illustrations on the sides. So sweet. It’s the perfect container for sour lemon candies.

Third, we’ve got the ice bucket. I found the ice bucket at a high-end thrift shop just south of town, it was originally priced at $15, but on sale for $5. I had a hard time justifying buying it and felt all sorts of buyer’s guilt afterward, but that didn’t last too long. I’ve used it over and over at parties, family dinners, picnics, etc!

Do you like vintage containers? Do you collect/hoard them like I do? I’d love to see pictures! (Or maybe not. Maybe I’d get too jealous.)

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    1. I love it all too – especially that pitcher which is just calling out for some lemonade! Also, try not to have buyer’s remorse for anything under $10. Not worth your worry!!!

    2. Hi, my name is Marisa, and I have a container obsession.

      I used to think I just like “house stuff.” Home Goods is like nirvana to me. But on a recent thrifting trip I realized it’s just. containers. Hubby doesn’t understand. He thinks I’m turning into my hoarder mother. (I’m really not! I promise!)

      Although, I did once buy a container, stash it away, and bring it out in an inconspicuous place so he wouldn’t know I bought it. Sure sign of an addiction, right?

      (Pics of my latest thrifted containers on my blog. Post is titled “thrift store finds.”)

    3. SarahJane says:

      Great containers! I love that you have that pitcher from your parents. Will you share this high end thrift store?? :)

      • Melissa says:


        Well, it’s not super high end, but it can be a tad expensive & I sometimes find some sweet designer stuff there frequently. So, it’s high-end for me ;). It’s the Assistance League on 33rd South in Salt Lake City. My grandma volunteers there & has always referred to it as the Bargain Box. Love that nickname. My grandma & her girlfriends volunteer there & donate regularly and they’re all pretty well-off so you’ll often see big brands floating around the clothing & accessory section.

    4. Shaela says:

      oh how fun – I LOVE them all!! Yellow is one of my favorite colors. :)

      When I was in high school I started collecting clear glass and crystal glasses/vases/jars from thrift stores and garage sales. I had huge plans for them for the wedding reception that never happened, haha. I think I ended up with over 50 beautiful, unique pieces – I made sure they were all different, and I loved them!

      Over the years I found different uses for them. In a few, I poured handmade candles and in others I added votives and displayed them on a long shelf in our dining room. Some of them I filled with candies and gave away as gifts, and others found their way into my 4yo daughter’s “tea” set. Now I only have a handful of my favorites, sitting quietly behind the glass doors of my corner china cabinet. I pull them out for “fancy” dinners and love the mismatched, eclectic use they add to my table. :)

    5. Britta says:

      Hmmm…maybe this post was just what I needed to give in and buy the adorable strawberry ceramic container at my favorite vintage store. The same store has a pretty decent collection of old Tupperware cups that I’ve laughed over because we had them when I was a kid – and now that I think about it, they would be perfect for picnics!

    6. Christa Pirl says:

      Love them, and they make such a nice grouping. Check out my blog next week for some family hand-me-down containers, etc!

    7. Jax@Aly&Ash says:

      Love the yellow with the metal! So pretty! I’m glad your guilt didn’t last long! Its a great buy! Found you through I Am Momma & am a new follower!

    8. Stacey says:

      Oh yes…I too have a container obsession. I hear my husband’s voice in my head saying, “Yeah it’s cool, but what are you going to use it for?” every time I grab yet another container/bowl/pitcher at the store. But come on…who doesn’t love a good container…especially a funky vintage container!

      Love your blog too! I just came across you recently and I’ve been enjoying your posts…Thanks!

    9. Megan Taylor says:

      Oh yes, containers (and blank notebooks) hold my fascination b/c of the endless possibilities! I rescued a set of 3 canisters from my Mom, and I think they date back to the 70’s. They are in perfect condition, glass w/ yellow lids and “retro” yellow printing all over each jar listing suggestions of what to store in each! Pasta, pencils, cotton balls, beans, flour, sugar, etc. They are freakin’ awesome, and my Mom still can’t understand why I wanted them so bad.

      • Melissa says:

        I’m so glad that I’m not the only one addicted to containers, especially the cool vintage ones. This is really bad, because I feel like I need to go to the thrift store to find more containers!

    10. Tacie says:

      I found the coolest containers at IKEA 2 on sale for 1.50 for all three! I love that store!

      Found here:

    11. Tacie says:

      Sorry, bad link! You can also just look up the Tripp containers!

    12. shop candle says:

      I can see a huge improvement with your Posts, I’ll love to get in touch. Keep up the good work! Your Posts are quite inspirational for someone who’s going to be new to such a stuff.

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